Every night when I tuck my 6 year old into bed, I lay with him and we talk about his day. We each do something we call Best, Worst, Maybe Tomorrow.
We each tell the best thing about our day.
Then the worst thing about our day.
Lastly, what we wish for Tomorrow.
Example: last night youngest said:
My best part of the day was getting to watch brother and his friend play volleyball when Dad and I went to pick them up.
My worst was when we had to drop off brother's friend, I wanted to play with him more.
Maybe Tomorrow it will be warmer outside.
This is a special time for youngest and me, a lot of times I am very surprised at what the best part of his day was! I encourage you to try this! I know some people do it at the dinner table - and involve the whole family. We've done that before, but with our busy schedule - bedtime works best.